Wednesday Meditation
18, 2015
Presbyterian Church, Sterling IL
Everybody knows what ashes are.
They’re what is left after the
fire burns, what remains after destruction, the leftovers of death. We don’t think
of ashes much, unless we have to clean out the fireplace, or if we are at a
funeral. You all know the words: “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust All of us go
down to the grave.”
Ashes are what is left after
everything else is destroyed.
Not a very happy thought, really.
Not the kind of symbol most of us
care to have in front of us.
Not the kind of thing we want
marked on our foreheads.
Not the image we want to see in
the mirror.
You can wash them off, of course,
and people do that. But symbols are not the reality, and getting rid of that
cross of ashes doesn’t make the reality behind it go away. The reality is that
we are someday going to die. The hard truth of Ash Wednesday is that it reminds
us of limitations, that each one of us has an expiration date. That isn’t something we like to think about.
But there is good news in these
ashes, good news in the words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you
shall return.” That cross of ashes is good news because it tells us two things:
it tells us that we are on this earth for a limited amount of time, and it
reminds us to whom we belong. That cross reminds us that we belong to God,
through Jesus Christ. The ashes remind us that our time here will end, so it is
important to make the days and moments count.
It is important to know who we
are and why we are here. Ultimately, who we are is all about to whom we belong.
You know, of course, to whom we belong – we belong to God, through Jesus
Christ. In this season of Lent, we’ll be looking at stories that help us know
God. God said “I AM that I AM” said “I will be who I will be.” Jesus said “I am
…” too – then used lots of symbols to help us understand.
Jesus told us,
I am the bread of life
the light of the world
the good shepherd
the true vine
way, truth, life,
the resurrection.
All these symbols, all these ways
to understand, tell us more about who God is, who Jesus is, and so, they tell
us who we are. We belong to the great I AM and we were made in the image of God,
created for a purpose – to share God’s love and mercy with all people.
The cross on our foreheads can
help us consider our own deaths, and so, push us to consider our own lives – to
spend our time in the best way we can manage. Because the season of Lent reminds
us of our limitations, but it also invites us to conversation,
to imagination, to
The season of turning and
returning is not only about remembering that we are dust, and to dust we shall
return. It is about turning our faces toward the God who redeems souls and the
God who conquers death, and the God who calls to us saying “Return to me!”
Repent – turn – come back to God,
to life, to grace, to hope.
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust All
of us go down to the grave.
Yet even at the grave we make our
song: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!”
May this season of Lent, this
cross of ashes, stay on your forehead, even after you have washed it off, so
that you will seek the joy and goodness in each and every day,
turning away
from that which is destructive,
turning toward that which is
living each day in the knowledge
that you belong to God,
who loves you extravagantly and
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