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4.12.20 - Easter Sunday

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First Presbyterian Sterling Online!
Christ is risen! 
Christ is risen indeed!

As you scroll through the parts of the service, just click on the pictures to see the video and hear the music. You may want to prepare for communion ahead of time - you'll just need bread and juice for whoever is in your household.

*Prelude with Amy and Emma

*Prelude Pondering
We are not eye-witnesses to an event, as were Mary and the disciples; we have not journeyed through a dangerous city to seek answers or consolation; we have not seen angels gathering at the rim of this day, or wept in the garden this morning because we could not find Him.

But we are here to attest to a story that has not lost its power during twenty centuries of change and conflict. We are here because those before us carried this story as if it were precious gold; cherished it as if it were the key to a hidden wisdom.

Siblings in Christ, take your places here today in celebration and in awe. What you are about to hear again, has the capacity to change the world. Your very presence attests to the rising up of life from the tomb of despair, and to the uncontrollable power of God.

It is Easter morning again: and we will celebrate.
~ Ann Siddall, Lent to Easter liturgies: Year C.


*Opening Song - Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Blue 123, verses 1, 4

*Prayer of Confession

God of new life and resurrection, we say sometimes that every morning is Easter morning: a celebration of life in you. But we often fail to act as if we believe it. Rather than arising with joy, we go back into the tomb. We peer into the darkness rather than looking toward the light of dawn. Rather than celebrate each morning’s rising as a new opportunity to love you and love our neighbors, we turn on the news and worry. Forgive us, God! Teach us how to worship, even when we are apart, and to celebrate resurrection, making our lives a hallelujah chorus for you!

Silence is kept

*Assurance of Pardon
Friends, dwell no longer on your wounds, for he was raised to heal us.
Consider your sorrows no more, for he has risen to give you deep joy.
Turn away from your sins and know that in his rising, you have new life.
Cease your lament and sing alleluia, for in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!
People: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God. Amen.

*Glory to God

*Sharing the Peace of Christ - Response: Peace Song

Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. – use the one we have
People: And also with you.

God’s Word is Proclaimed

*Children’s Time with Nan

*Scripture Reading with Christina -  John 20:1-18


Responding to God’s Word

*Offering - I Will Rise
Please remember to send in your offering and pledge. If you are enrolled in electronic funds transfer, no need to do anything different. If you would like to give online using Paypal, click this link:

*Prayer of Dedication
God of great gifts, we joyfully present these gifts to you, a chorus of thanksgiving, a harmony of hope for your kingdom come! Amen.

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

*Prayer of Thanksgiving

We lift our hearts up to you, O God to bring our thanks and praise. Through your renewing power, your creation is always being reborn, season by season, child by child. You covenanted with your people showed them a path of peace, justice, mercy, and love. You called forth prophets who dared to speak words of life to worldly powers that promoted death. You sent Jesus, your Son, to walk in the way of love. He refused to participate in the death-dealing violence of the world. Because of this, he was killed. He rose again in victory because the powers of death cannot overcome the Divine power of love. And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven, we sing:

Response: (Sung) Alleluia, Alleluia, give thanks to the Risen Lord...

You are holy, O God of love, and holy is Jesus Christ, your Son, the resurrected One, in whom your fullness dwells. Jesus teaches all who will learn, heals all who come to him, receives all who seek him. He is peace in the midst of violence, love in the face of hate. Gratefully we take these gifts that you have given us. Accept our praise and thanksgiving; accept our lives as holy offerings to you, that in losing our selves we might find true life, and proclaim the Resurrected Christ who offers grace to all.

Response: (Sung) Alleluia, Alleluia, give thanks to the Risen Lord….

Gracious God, pour out your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these your gifts of bread and cup. By your Spirit unite us with the living Christ and with all who seek to follow in his life-giving way, that we may further your reign of peace and justice in every place. We invite your life to fill us; we invite your Spirit to lead us ever more faithfully to be the body of Christ in the world. We offer to you now our petitions and intercessions, praying for the world and all its people…(silence)

all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit…(silence)

loved ones who are struggling….(silence)

your church in every place…(silence)

our community….(silence)

and our congregation…(silence)

and we are bold to pray now the prayer Christ taught us, saying:

*Lord’s Prayer

*Words of Institution – sharing the bread and cup –Here is Bread

*Prayer After the Supper
Holy, gracious, God, here at this table your promise of life is made tangible. We have rested in the depth of your love. We have tasted       your nourishing, nurturing presence.
We accept you into our bodies, into our lives. Together, at this table you have offered us life. Together by your grace, we accept the life you offer and offer back our own lives in return,
that we may love you with all our heart,    mind, soul    and strength. AMEN.

God’s People are Sent

*Closing Song - My Redeemer Lives


Leader:....and let all God’s people say...
People: Alleluia! Amen!


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Welcome to First Presbyterian Sterling Online!  Visit past services at .  Click here  for an automatic playlist that plays this week's videos. (Click "Play All.") Click here  for the online bulletin. Good morning, friends! Welcome to the first week of Advent! You will find the service videos available  here . Just click on "Play All" or choose the individual videos that you want to watch. (Scroll down and look at the picture at the bottom if you need help.) For those that like to read along,  here  is the online bulletin! Online giving at . Thank you for joining us! And for anyone who needs a little extra's what the service looks like and where to click once you get there!