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God’s People Gather
*Prelude with AmyPrelude Pondering
The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. It happens quietly. It happens inevitably. Don’t underestimate God’s power. --Alistair Begg
*Welcome with Christina
*Call to Worship with Glenn and Gail
Leader: We gather to worship an amazing God.
People: What miracles there are in God’s world!
Leader: We stand in awe at the wonders of creation.
People: From the tiniest seeds to the mighty sequoias.
Leader: We gather in the name of Christ, who speaks to us through worship and word
People: And we gather to be nourished, so that we may grow in faith.
Leader: From tiny seeds, great things can grow.
People: And from each of us, even if we feel insignificant, the Spirit will cultivate great gifts.
Leader: Praise the God of small seeds and mighty power.
ALL: Let us worship God!
*Opening Song - Reign of God
*Call to Confession (Romans), Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon
Even when we do not know how or what to pray, the Holy Spirit knows. Even when we feel that we cannot approach God, the Spirit goes before us. Even when we know we have done wrong, Christ’s grace goes before us. Trusting God’s promise, let us confess our sins together.
Holy and loving God, we come before you in humility. We confess that we have failed to do all that you have asked of us. We have underestimated ourselves when we consider what we ought to do for your kingdom; so we do less than we should. We have overestimated our goodness, so we have spoken and acted in ways that we should not. We feel weary and confused, gracious God! We want to be all that followers of Jesus should be, but we don’t want to be a nuisance; we want to speak up for justice and inclusion but we don’t want to be unpopular; we want to care for others but we don’t want to be inconvenienced. Most of all, dear God, we want to open our hearts to love, and to let that love flow out to the world. Forgive us! Help us to grow in faith and dedication, to be your disciples. Take our tiny seeds of faith and help us to grow your kingdom. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Silence is kept
Hear these words of assurance from Romans 8: If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and sending the only Son for us, is there anything else God wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? So be at peace! Because of God’s extravagant love, you are forgiven.
People: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God. Amen.
Response: Glory to God
*Sharing the Peace of Christ
Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
God’s Word is Proclaimed
Scripture Reading Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 & Sermon Rev. Landon Whitsitt, Synod Executive, Presbyterian Synod of Mid-America
Responding to God’s Word
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*Prayer of Dedication
Thank you, God, that you can take the smallest seed and grow something incredible. Take these, our gifts, and transform them into your kingdom of love and justice. We ask in Jesus’ name, AMEN.
Thank you, God, that you can take the smallest seed and grow something incredible. Take these, our gifts, and transform them into your kingdom of love and justice. We ask in Jesus’ name, AMEN.
*Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Leader:....and let all God’s people say...
People: Alleluia! Amen!
God’s People are Sent
*Closing Song - Pass it On *Benediction
Leader:....and let all God’s people say...
People: Alleluia! Amen!
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