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God’s People Gather
*Welcome with Christina*Prelude with Amy & Emma
Prelude Pondering
Hunger feels like pincers,
like the bite of crabs,
it burns and has no fire.
Hunger is a cold fire.
Let us sit down to eat
with all those who haven't eaten;
let us spread great tablecloths,
put salt in the lakes of the world,
set up planetary bakeries,
tables with strawberries in snow,
and a plate like the moon itself
from which we can all eat.
For now I ask no more
than the justice of eating.
-- Pablo Neruda, excerpt from “The Great Tablecloth”
*Call to Worship with Jodi & Joplin
Leader: To those who are hungry, Jesus offers bread, saying:
People: “Come and eat! There’s more than enough for all!”
Leader: To those who are thirsty, Jesus offers the cup, saying:
People: “Come and drink! It’s free for the taking!
Leader: Jesus calls you and bids you welcome, saying:
People: “Come to Me, and you will find everything you need!”
ALL: Let us worship God!
*Opening Song - Come, Now Is the Time to Worship
*Call to Confession, Prayer of Confession, & Assurance of Pardon
Friends, there are so many distractions in our lives that it is easy to let our energy and attention be diverted away from God. We regard our salvation as something we deserve, rather than as a gift from God. But God knows we are frail and finite. God provides a path to grace for anyone who would come. Trusting God, we confess our sins together:
Generous God, we are always so glad and willing to receive all that you offer! We reach out for your healing, listen for your teaching, and come gladly to your table. But then we are reluctant to pass along what you have given us. We refuse to forgive; we ignore the lessons that are difficult. We fail to share what we have, and we do not recognize Jesus in the faces of the hungry, the poor, and the lonely. We tell ourselves that the claims Jesus makes on us are really for other people, not for us. Forgive us! Help us to see your image in all people, to share freely, to love and forgive with a grace like yours. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Silence is kept
Leader: Hear the good news! The generous love and grace of God are for all people, in every time and place; the welcome of Christ is for anyone who would come; the Spirit is with every heart that is open to love. Rejoice and be glad. We are a forgiven people.
People: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Amen.
*Response - Glory to God
*Sharing the Peace of Christ
Leader: Because of the generous love of God in Christ, we have peace with God. Let’s share that peace with one another, saying “The peace of Christ be with you.”
People: And also with you.
God’s Word is Proclaimed
*Scripture Reading - Matthew 14:13-21 & Sermon
Responding to God’s Word
*OfferingIf you are able, please continue to send in your offering and pledge. If you are enrolled in electronic funds transfer, there is no need to do anything different. If you would like to give online using Paypal, click this link: bit.ly/FPCsterling
*Prayer of Dedication
God, you call us to come to you, saying, “You who are hungry, come and eat! You who are thirsty, come and drink! You who have no money, come and buy!” We are so grateful for your generosity to us. And so we bring our gifts to you, and we bring our energy and imagination, and we offer all that we have to you, so that others may come as well. Amen.
*Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
God’s People are Sent
*Closing Song - Grace Alone *Benediction
Leader: Go forth in service, remembering to fight, work, and pray for those who suffer unjustly in our world. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with each one of us, now and always. And let all God’s people say…
People: Alleluia! Amen!
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