We're glad you found our home on the web, and we hope that if you are in Sterling you'll find us in God's house. We're "First on Second" - our building is at 410 Second Avenue, right at the corner of Second Avenue and Fifth Street.
We meet for worship every Sunday at 9:30 AM. Our worship service is unique - we use an order of worship, but we are not formal; we use new songs and old hymns; we share and laugh, but we take our faith seriously. On a given Sunday you may hear guitar and drums, violin, pipe organ, bells, keyboard and piano -- our music is inspiring, beautiful, and energizing!
Coffee fellowship is immediately following worship, and Christian Education for all ages begins at 11:00 AM. Our office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM; usually we are away during the noon hour.
On days other than Sunday, you'll find First Presbyterian Church all over Sterling -- working at various ministries and mission that we support. Our members are active in our community, and our mission support is shared with FISH food pantry, PADS shelter, Feed the Children, Church World Service, Good Neighbor Emergency Center, Alateen, public school partnerships, Head Start, YWCA ... the list goes on.
As a part of our effort to help our neighborhood, First Presbyterian Church, in partnership with the YWCA, hosts free Peace Camps for kids on school days off. We welcome elementary age children to spend the day with us; YWCA and church volunteers offer a fun day of games, crafts, stories, music, and activities. Our next Peace Camp will be on January 17 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Breakfast and lunch are included.
We share our building with AA, Boy Scouts, Alateen, the Early Head Start Baby Store, an aerobics class, and with other groups in the community who need space.
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