The first of our series on the Book of Revelation
As I said at the beginning of
worship, the Book of Revelation has been represented by certain Christians as a
prediction of the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus to take away
some people and leave others behind. As we start this journey into this highly
misunderstood book, the last book of the Bible, it will be helpful to consider
what we are NOT going to do.
the Spirit is Saying to the Churches
17, 2013
Presbyterian Church, Sterling IL
Revelation 1: 3-11
Blessed is the one who reads
aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and who keep
what is written in it; for the time is near.
John to the seven churches that
are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to
come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus
Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the
kings of the earth. To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his
blood, and made us to be a kingdom,
priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and
ever. Amen. Look! He is coming with the
clouds; every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and on his account
all the tribes of the earth will wail. So it is to be. Amen. "I am the Alpha and the Omega,"
says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. I, John, your brother who share with you in
Jesus the persecution and the kingdom and the patient endurance, was on the
island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I
was in the spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a
trumpet saying, "Write in a book what you see and send it to the seven
churches, to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamum, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to
Philadelphia, and to Laodicea."

Revelation is a book that is
filled with strange visions and surreal images, and there are moments in it
that are violent and scary. We are not undertaking to make every word of the
book intelligible. We will lift up some of those symbols, especially when our
understanding of other scripture, points us to a symbol or image that is
familiar to us. We are not going to try to dissect Revelation as a prediction
of the end times, with a cast of characters and a series of events that
correspond to places or events in our time.
Prophecy is not prediction, and
nowhere in the Bible will we find one-to-one correspondence between prophecy
and subsequent events. Revelation is a book of the first century, written for
Christians in that time, with references which they would understand and
associations they would readily make. But there is much in the book for us, in
this time, and for all Christians for all time.
Revelation is not a threat. It is
not as if God would give us a Bible that contains 65 different books assuring
us of God’s love, mercy and grace, and then smack us down with a 66th
book that threatens us with hellfire and brimstone! That kind of God is not the
God of Scripture, not the God who is revealed in Jesus Christ.
Revelation is a letter; it is a book
of prophetic visions to reveal God’s purpose; it is a book that bears witness –
both in the legal sense of the word, as a courtroom testimony, and in the
original sense of the word, μάρτυς, the source of our English word, “martyr,” one
who suffers persecution and death for refusing to renounce belief.
Most importantly, Revelation
unveils the sovereignty of God, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,
and the centrality of Jesus Christ, the one who was and is and is to come, and
the promise, fulfilled in him, that one day heaven and earth will meet, and
that one day God will set all things right and redeem all of creation.
Although the opening words
promise blessing to one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, we are going
to read only selected parts of this book. I encourage you to read the entire
book at home, and of course you are invited to attend the adult studies of
Revelation which take place on Sunday morning during Christian Education Hour and
also at our Tuesday morning adult Bible study. Participating in either or both
of these studies will help you as you read.
But now, let’s listen to what the
Spirit is saying to the churches in chapters 2 and 3. The churches are named:
Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.
Each of the seven churches is
known to God, and their strengths and challenges are described. Five of the
churches receive stern warnings, and it is comical how many websites you can
find that attempt to link those five “bad” churches to modern day denominations,
and one of them is ALWAYS the Presbyterians! Following the words of praise and
critique, there are warnings and encouragements to each of the churches.
The churches have certain
strengths in common: they work hard and endure, and have withstood tests of
their faith. They are tireless, and faithful, even though some among them have
been put to death. They have been persecuted and slandered, but they have kept
God’s word and have not denied the name of Christ. They are praised for their
works, their love and faithfulness, their service and endurance.
Five of the churches, though,
have issues. They have left their first love – the Lord Jesus Christ. They have
fallen into idolatry and immorality, been unfaithful. They have listened to
false teachings. Two of those churches come in for criticism and warning only: their
crimes are simple but serious– one is dead, spiritually, and the other is
lukewarm, as good as dead – neither hot nor cold. Those are the two that some
of our Christian brothers and sisters identify as the Presbyterians! (Just as a
side note, it’s interesting, that the preachers who are so keen on figuring out
which church is which denomination never think their own is the one that is
lukewarm or spiritually dead!)
All seven of the churches are
called to faithfulness, and given promises. And each address ends with these
words: Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the
To understand the power of these
seven messages, let’s go back to the first century, sometime between the years 60
and 90AD. The Roman Empire has spread across all of the world then known, Paul
has completed his missionary journeys and traveled the Roman roads.
Although Jews and Christians had
been tolerated, things changed during the last few decades of the first
century. When there was a Jewish uprising in Judea in the year 66 AD, the
Romans crushed the rebels, utterly demolished the temple, and desecrated all of
the holy artifacts by parading them through the streets. Only the western wall
remained, and it stands to this day. The synagogues then became the center of
Jewish life and worship.
As for the Christians, after Rome
burned in 64 AD, Nero blamed the Christians in order to divert attention from
himself – as the city burned, he was
rumored to have been singing – not fiddling, but just as bad! At Nero’s urging,
Christians were hunted down, burned at the stake and otherwise tormented,
publicly and very cruelly. In fact, only the official religion of Rome was
lawful – the religion that allowed for all sorts of shrines and temples, but
ultimately affirmed that Caesar is Lord. To affirm, for example, that Jesus is
Lord, and not Caesar, was to risk arrest and prosecution.
For Christians after Nero, active
persecution waned for a time, but to be Christian was to be always subject to
prosecution, at any time. The name Christian was both complaint and crime, with
punishment meted out by the local governor. Loss of land, loss of property, and
loss of life could result for those who would not renounce the name of Christ.
It’s easy to see, then, why
faithfulness, endurance, and holding on to the name, were specified as
particular strengths of the churches. And it is easy to see how, if you were a
member of one of these seven Christian communities, if you had seen fellow-Christians
suffer for their beliefs, if you were willing to die for your faith, you would
have no patience for those who were spiritually dead or lukewarm. And you would
be anxiously awaiting the promised return of Jesus. You would be waiting with
hope for God’s new kingdom to come to earth, to replace this oppressive,
violent, cruel regime under which you lived. Like a prisoner in a concentration
camp, you would await the coming of justice, for you, that you would be set
free, and for your oppressors, that they would pay for their crimes. You might
know in your heart of hearts that grace and mercy are God’s desire, even as you
yearned for retribution and punishment for those who had made you suffer. You
might earnestly desire that Jesus would come back and slaughter them. And you
would most certainly be keenly aware of the uncertainty of life, and the
excruciating truth of your own frailty, your own mortality.
This past week, as we observed
Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, we gathered here in the church for the
imposition of ashes. We affirmed our mortality, and our utter dependence on
God’s grace. Imposing the ashes on the foreheads of the people of this church is
very difficult for me emotionally. As I say the traditional words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you
shall return,” inside I am thinking, “I hope you never die!” Even as I affirm
the finitude of each person, I resist the reality of death. I think we all do
that, to some degree. But the gift of Lent is the message to Christians, and to
the church, that death is not the end, and that there will come a day when
Christ will come again, not to rain hellfire and brimstone down on an
unsuspecting world, but to arrive in glory, to bring a new heaven and a new earth.
The messages to the seven
churches are a call to every church, a call to stay faithful to our first love,
and to persevere, in spite of the challenges that we face. Those challenges are
many – we live in an age when a different kind of empire threatens us, when the
culture around us tempts us to succumb to materialism, or to thoughtless
consumption and greed.
The doomsayers around us would
have us voraciously consume every natural resource, since the end of time is
near. The death deniers would have us please only ourselves, since there is
nothing else but this life. The lure of the easy thing is always there— the
temptation to embrace a kind of vague civic religion, and avoid the risk of
truly living the Christian faith – to avoid the difficult path of following Jesus
in a life of simplicity, non-violence, generosity and love. We are constantly tempted to give mere lip
service to our beliefs, to be tepid, lukewarm people, people without passion,
without heat, who are unwilling to let our lights shine out in the darkness.
But the message to the seven
churches offer something more than that shallow self-serving life of pleasure, more
than a life as a consumer demographic, more than a credit card and a mortgage, more
than a carbon footprint. The churches are called to faithfulness, even as we
are, and with that call comes a promise - a promise from Christ himself.
We will sit with Christ upon his
We will be given the morning
We will be clothed in pure white
We will have the name of God
written upon our hearts, and in the book of life.
We will receive a white stone
with a new name written upon it.
We will wear the crown of life.
We will eat from the tree of
You remember that tree? It’s the
tree that was in Genesis, in the first book of the Bible, and here it is now,
except it is not forbidden, not a symbol of the fall, not a marker of exclusion
and expulsion. That tree was planted in the garden in the beginning, where
Jesus walked in the cool of the day, and it will be there in the end, in the
new heaven and the new earth. Now, that tree is given to God’s people, for them
to eat from its fruit. That tree will blossom and bear fruit when all creation
is restored and renewed, and we will gather, robed in white, and in our hands
we will hold the morning star, and a white stone with a new name given to us by
We will be held in love, held in
love forever by the one who was and is and is to come. He is the Alpha and
Omega, the beginning and the end, the one who created us in love and will recreate
us in that same love. There is nothing to fear, and everything to hope for.
Let anyone who has an ear listen
to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Amen.
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